If a student gets failed or didn’t score qualifying marks in a subject or subjects and the student has confidence that he/she may pass or qualify the subject(s) by recounting / revaluation method, then the student can apply for recounting (or) revaluation process by paying the fee to the JNTU – Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad through exam branch.
When To Apply For Recounting or Revaluation?
The student can apply for recounting when he /she has doubt that the examiner had made a mistake in counting the marks, and he/she will have confidence that after that recounting he/she will get passing marks or qualified. The student can apply for the revaluation process when the student has a doubt or confidence that the examiner had made some mistake in correcting the answers, then the student can apply for this process.
- Also Check: JNTU Grace Marks and Class Change Rule – Detailed Information
- Also Check: Exemption [Skip] Of 2 Subjects Rule For JNTU Students: Detailed Info
- Also Check: How To Score Good Marks In JNTU Examinations- Tips & Preparation
How To Apply For Recounting
- First of all, the student who is applying for the recounting process will have to go to the examination branch/cell.
- Take the application form it will cost around Rs.5/- (depending on the college) and fill it.
- Pay Rs.100/ along with the application form for the recounting process in the examination branch/cell.
- Also, the student must have the xerox copies of the result for which the student is applying if the student has got his/her result from the internet then take that printout and submit it to the examination branch/cell along with the application and fee.
- The date for applying the recounting process will be 7 days after the result will are announced, sometimes the date will extend, further details about the date of recounting a student can confirm from his/her college.
This was about the recounting, now check the procedure for the Revaluation, note this information is solely written for JNTUH students only, the process might be a little bit different for JNTUK and JNTUA students, contact your respective college for more details.
How To Apply For Revaluation
- The first thing the student who is applying for the revaluation process will have to go to the examination branch/cell and take an application form.
- Fill that application form and give Rs.1000/- (one thousand rupees) and application form for the revaluation process to the examination branch/cell and also, the student must have the xerox copies of the result for which the student is applying if the student has got his/her result from the internet then take that printout and submit to the examination branch/cell.
- The date for applying revaluation process will be 7 days after the result will are declared, sometimes the date will extend, the further details about the date of recounting a student can confirm from his/her college.
After applying for the recounting and revaluation wait for some time around 15-30 days for the results, If a student still doesn’t qualify in a subject then he or she has the last change called ‘Challenge Valuation’ which will cost him/her around Rs.10,000/-. Stay updated to ‘jntu.allresultsnic.in’ for more details.
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Plz sir im in very good writing now pass plzzz
sir for jntua students is there recounting process. pls tell me how to apply.
we have to submit our revaluton competed form in our collge or not.
plz sir im attempt all the questions plz pass me
In revaluation there is a gurantee u may pass us nd the who hv wrote in booklet minimum two pages the jntu has passed them nd wt about us wt a correction unexpected students are failed
Sir I am applying re evaluation for getting 11 marks is there any scope to pass
is there a chance to increase marks
any chances to increase marks in Recounting
How to apply for mtech revaluation process&please tell me the cost and wt is difference between recounting&revaluation please reply me sir thanking you sir.
Hello sir…
Today 4th semester results are came..
I got only 12 marks in service marketing paper…
Im really shocked after seeing my result..
Because i wrote well and i never expct that i vil be fail in that subject..
i have decided to go for revaluation process and i request u sir to help me in this process for getting qualified marks..
in my mba i have failed a only one subject its a fourth semester subjet…..
i have got a 18 marks in that subject.
so plz added a 6 marks sir.
plz sir………………
Hello Sir,
I have failed a MBA subject in fourth semester.
In that subject I have got a 18 marks in it.
So Plz pass me sir…………
Iam attempt all questions sir……
Sir i written the exam best but i failed plz pass me really shocking the result
Sir,I have to get 9 marks to pass in a subject and I got 17 marks so. Can I go for revaluation , if they add 1 mark I get 18 marks, which are required for the minimum grace marks so that I can pass the subject help me about the revaluation process and what are my probability to get 1mark or directly to get pass the subject tanks in advance
Present pass or fai
Sir I got 17 marks in external and 13 in internal.just I want 2marks to apply grace marks…if I keep revaluation there is chance to increase the marks….I don’t want to pass the subject just I want 2marks….to apply grace marks….then my b.tech will be completed
Sir, will i get pass in the revaluation
Sir I wrote well in r15 supply examinations of this year but I didn’t get qualifying marks plz try to pass me as I applying for revaluation
I need 7marks to clear only one subject I never expected I never ever failed in any my hall ticket number 143N1A0324 what a correction does Jntua is doing really shocking
hello sir good afternoon.pls ,give the procedure to apply the recounting.
How to check result after applying recounting ..?
Sir pleazz I have one subjects 4-2 I write supply exam external marks I get 12 marks and internal 19 I apply grace aney chance sir reply sir
Is there re valuation or not for jntua r09 batch
Dear sir,
Due to some reasons I’m out of station can may uncle pay the re-valuation fee directly in jntuh university in behalf of me
Hello sir i wrote one time chance exam for UCMP and R&AC I passed in ucmp and i lost r and ac plz let me know can i exempt dis one paper r apply for recounting re valuation.plz advice . I am from RR batch
i need the information regarding is there any fee exemption for handicapped for recounting or revaluation and also if yes mail me the link and also about how many subjects the R15 students can skip
have u this information from other?????? i also want the same
if last date gonefor revaluation is there any possibilty to pay fee with fine.
dear sir,
the correction is so worst and u guys are really playing games with student feelings hope u jntuh guys got my point.
please take some more time to correct the papers but do it in a proper way sir m r09 batch i wrote my exams well since last 2 years but still not getting proper results so please stop playing with students and do proper correction its a humble request sir.
jntua correction is to worst the correction person will fail students at 2 or 3 marks last time my mathematical paper they do like that i got 22 marks just 3 marks i lost that paper. jntua playing with students life plz don’t do that
Y u are playing with our lifes..i had written so many times the exam.but u are making me fail.how can it possible it to get only 9 marks in external i had 24 in internal.all though i had written 30 pages.well.i just need to clear only m1.then i can have my degree…feeling very sad.nd much anger on ur dirty correction.
Same here anusha!..u got at least 9 marks . But
They gave me reward of zero marks in m-1 even I wrote 65 marks subject.
DONT FORGOT TO Keep revaluation..
With zero I’m going keep revaluation
sir, please extend the date of recounting please sir please
Hello sir im mtech structures i have wrote all the short answers correct and i attempted all questions correctly i have confidence but i have failed in my exam. I applied for revaluation i hope i may pass atleast this time. Plz do and check properly my paper.
If I’m not from university then can I apply directly in university
What is the way of correction so many people are failing because of ruthless correction and the person who have no knowledge and no subject he is scoring high marks what is going on in jntu correction every one need to question this
I got 0 in M-1 but I wrote exam good with 26 pages with attending 65 marks .But they give me 0 directly. What’s the fuck. can I apply for revaluation / I want to go with revaluation becz I have completed b.tech
SO, I HAVE ANY CHANCE TO PASS IN RE-VALUATION. anybody can suggest me.
I have completed B.Tech, they failed me in engineering physics, I have been writing for 4 years, every year I write always 5 or 8 marks in external. How that possible when I am writing for 65+ marks. I gave for revaluation still ‘No change’. You guys are playing with students lives and their careers, if I clear physics then I can get my degree. I have only M1 and physics as my backlogs, if you pass me in physics I can drop M1. Please us students have struggled very deliberately from 4 years writing supply exams constantly and you guys shatter our dreams and aspirations with the unfair correction. Please I beg you, pass me and other students who wrote very well.
Sir i am not expected to fail i am very hard worker about my MBA i completed 4th semisters but i fail the one subject it is ENTREPRENEURSHIP so i am confident pls put the pass marks of that subject pls…
Otherwise 1 year gap coming pls I am very confident so pls put the pass marks…
1-2recorretion results please realesed sir…😢
Jntu u r very bad
Playing with our life’s
This is too bad
Pass cheyandi
The correction is worst University in Telangana I attempting m1 from 2014-2018 till with exact IAM unable pass because of irregular response of correction marking as between. 0-12 and I have a chance to get above 45 marks unable to apply gracemarks even due to this reason I have spoiled my life if the faculty have done correction I would have passed even now I applied for revaluation there is no change in mArks JNTUH needs money’s not the education if you need money we. Will donate but don’t play with our life’s and it’s leads to discremitive activities please pass me revaluation if you need money we will donate contact my mail I have already applied for REVALUTION pass me if ensure money contact mail
Sir i got 10 marks in regular after revaluation i got 19 marks than is this marks will be updated for gracing process
Sir, Iam M.ReddyRajesh.I wrote the mathematics-1 exam of supply while results came it was showing of single mark in every semester it was not changed yet.This is of last time for my B.tech. sp please give me the solution.